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In April 2016, the CARE International Gender Network (CIGN) and the Secretariat are hosting an exciting three-fold gender equality event consisting of:

  • CI Gender Equality & Women's Voice Global Conference (April 11-13): A wide-ranging 2.5 day learning conference to push forward CARE's vision of gender equality for any CARE gender champion
  • CIGN business meeting (April 13-14): A smaller 1.5 day meeting targeting new and existing CIGN members who want to actively participate in CIGN work streams in 2016 onwards to pursue our collective priorities.
  • GiE meeting (April 15): A one day meeting on gender specific programming in humanitarian response (GiE).

Click here for details on the agenda for each meeting.

*Participant Preparation (READINGS)* In advance of the meeting, participants are asked to read (or re-read) the following documents. Readings for the CI Gender Equality & Women's Voice Global Conference (April 11-13):

  • GEWV Guidance Note (2016) - explains why GEWV is important for CARE, our theory of change, the gender standards for all CARE Offices, our main models & innovations, our approach to Monitoring Evaluation & Learning (MEL) & partnerships, and how GEWV will be integrated into our humanitarian & development work across the Program Strategy.
  • GBV strategy(2015) - for advancing “the right to a life free of violence” part of the CARE 2020 Program Strategy outcome: “100 million women and girls exercise their rights to sexual, reproductive and maternal health and a life free from violence”
  • Optional:roadmap_for_change_31_may_2016.pdf (2016) - This compendium gives a good indication of what works best to promote social justice and empowerment for women and girls, as well as for men and boys. Specifically, it serves as a roadmap for tracking selected gender equality outcomes in CARE operations since the early nineties.
  • Optional: CARE Gender Orientation Pack (2015) – This pack is designed for new and existing staff to link to critical program frameworks, tools and guidance on gender; outlines the gender networks at CARE and explains how to access technical support.


Readings for the CIGN business meeting (April 13-14):

Readings for the GiE Meeting (April 15):


ci_gender_equality_womens_voice_global_conference_2016.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/23 01:51 by