The Gender Equality Women's Voice (GEWV) indicators were developed with the aim of allowing CARE to capture, measure, and track the changes occurring as a result of the dedicated gender approach across development and humanitarian programming. The resulting data should enable CARE to systematically build a picture of the changes in agency, structures, and relations taking place in the communities in which we work.
The aim of doing so is to:
For our humanitarian work in particular, this is quite experimental; the concentration for the humanitarian pilot is on developing a set of indicators, along with the guidance and proposed measures, that can be used to look at the outcomes of our Gender in Emergencies (GiE) work. This will then feed into the broader GEWV impact indicators.
The draft GEWV indicators being piloted for use across both humanitarian and development work are listed below. These indicators have been developed with the aim of being applicable across the extremely broad scope of CARE’s programming, and as such, careful consideration has gone into the simplicity of their design.
Indicators 3, 8, and 9 were decided not to be tested in CARE's humanitarian work. Indicators 10 and 11 are not yet included in the GEWV supplementary indicator list, and are new indicators that have come out of the pilot process as potentially useful to measure, particularly in CARE's humanitarian work.
The Gender Justice and GiE teams had the aim of making the indicators as practical and effective as possible. In order to do that, a piloting process was designed in order to directly gain feedback on the proposed the indicators and the methodologies and measures (specifically measure items) proposed for collecting them. The piloting hoped to allow reflection on whether these measure items are appropriate, feasible, and applicable across multiple contexts; and whether the data resulting from them is useful and able to be used to scale across CARE’s programming.
RMU MENA and RMU Asia have both been involved in the first round of the indicator development and piloting; dedicating resources, time, and effort into supporting the project. During a deployment to RMU MENA, the draft measures were created and workshopped, with input received from across a majority of CARE MENA country offices. CARE Egypt was the first CARE office to test out the GEWV indicators and report back into the pilot. Huge thanks is owed to CARE Egypt for their effort, support and hard work to include indicators within their ongoing work, and reflect back on their application.
Concerted effort was placed into the design of the indicators and draft measures, but getting insight and reflection on how they work in practice will help to make sure these measures are useful, applicable, and give us the data that we are looking for. The pilot process is being reconsidered - instead of dedicated deployment support to select offices to trial the indicators, the draft measures are being made accessible to all those who would like to participate. This has the aim of getting the broadest application and feedback on the measures as possible. Please take this as your invitation to participate!
A draft of the comprehensive guidance , as well as draft measures to be used to report against these indicators have been developed, and can be seen here:
These measures are still in draft form, but we encourage teams to choose those that are relevant to their programming, integrate them into their monitoring and assessments, and report back on how useful the data was, how easy it was to use the measures, what changes were required etc.
For more information, to report back on how you have measured against these indicators, or to request support on how to do so, please contact:
Holly Robinson ( and Sarah Eckhoff (