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If you have any questions or contributions to the Gender Wiki, please contact Abbey McDaniel at


Welcome to CARE's Wiki on Gender!

Please note that the CARE Gender WIki was recently moved and as such, certain links and documents may have shifted. If this is the case, please check the “Sitemap” for a listing of all pages or “Media Manager” for the library of documents (top right of webpage) . All tools should be accessible. If you have questions, please contact Diana Wu at or Alyssa Bovell at

The purpose of this wiki is for promoting knowledge sharing and learning around gender in CARE. Our goal is to make this a space where any staff member who identifies as a gender change agent - formally or informally - can connect with others, and find or share key resources to help advance the cutting edge of CARE's work to promote women's empowerment and more just gender relations.

Be sure to check out the side bar on the left for access to more information and resources.

Gender Equality and Women's Voice Approach

CARE is committed to Gender Equality and Women's Voice (GEWV) as a core approach of how it works. See the Strategy, Guidance Note and organizational map for more information on how CARE understands GEWV, strategies for its integration across CARE's programming and operations and organizational mapping of who is advancing gender equality learning and practice at CARE. For more on CARE's GEWV approach, visit here

GEWV Strategy Plan

See Change, Show Change

Lives saved. Lives made happier, more productive, more dignified. These are the end goals that animate and propel us. At CARE those goals are made explicit in the CARE 2020 Program Strategy: By 2020, CARE and our partners will support 150 million people from the most vulnerable and excluded communities to overcome poverty and social injustice. But how will we know when we get there? CARE's new Global Outcome and Change Indicators are a set of 25 indicators carefully crafted or selected from pre-existing indicators, with linkages to the Sustainable Development Goals. Download this summary for more details (summary and postcard package).

See Change Show Change Summary

Care Global Outcome Change Indicators postcards

CARE Competitive Bids Unit (CBU) Gender Integration Portal

The CBU Gender Integration Portal is designed as a go-to resource for ensuring that gender is fully and properly integrated throughout the Business Development process! Here, you will find the key tools you will need to ensure that gender has been properly integrated into your project design and proposal development process, along with information on when in the process to use these tools, and who within your BD team should be responsible for using them.

Gender Power and Justice Primer (gender resource website!)

The Gender, Power, and Justice Primer is an easy to use, curated gender resource, highlighting key gender statistics, global commitments, evidence and promising practices at the intersection of international development, emergencies and gender justice. It highlights strategies to support progressive policy change and promote effective programming that advances gender justice in ways that are relevant to those targeted by gender injustice. You can use it to grab quick stats and evidence on gender justice, or identify key promising practices for gender and international development/humanitarian work.

CARE Gender Marker new improved version! (March 2019)

CARE’s Gender Marker has just expanded to be used in both humanitarian and development programming! The CARE Gender Marker helps teams measure the integration of gender into programming from harmful to transformative, using a simple grading system from 0 to 4. Initially designed in 2013, this revised iteration of the Gender Marker builds on findings from the pilot phase and is now incorporated into CARE’s Project Information and Impact Reporting System (PIIRs). There are a series of short videos about the Gender Marker available here

Do you want to access training on how to use the CARE Gender Marker? A complete set of training materials are available here. This includes a session plan for running your own CARE Gender Marker training including a presentation and training exercise. We are tracking how many women and men are trained in the CARE Gender Marker. Please get in touch with Isadora Quay to let us know how many were trained and to get access to the answer sheets for the exercises.

Using the Gender Marker in CARE

Find out about how different parts of CARE are using the Gender Marker in the Learning Paper.

Roadmap for Change (May 2016)

This compendium gives a good indication of what works best to promote social justice and empowerment for women and girls, as well as for men and boys. Specifically, it serves as a roadmap for tracking selected gender equality outcomes in CARE operations since the early nineties.

Roadmap for Change May 2016


The GED Training Materials are now a fee-for-service product that is accessible to CARE staff at the Village. Please click here for access.

Gender Orientation Pack (revised April 2018)

Have you always wanted to know how you link with other practitioners in CARE who are doing similar work on gender? Do you want to know how to access technical assistance? Are you having trouble finding gender guidance and tools? Do you orient new staff to CARE? Then you will find the new Gender Orientation Pack really helpful to answer these questions and point you or colleagues in the right direction. This pack is designed for new and existing staff to link to critical program frameworks, tools and guidance on gender; outlines the gender networks at CARE and explains how to access technical support.




Gender Equality Training Resources

Are you planing a gender equality training workshop? Don't reinvent the wheel, build on one of the many CARE gender equality training resources already developed. We've got manuals introducing basic gender concepts, discussing gender in emergencies and CARE's approach to gender work, and touching on so many more topics. The results of the CIGN Capacity Building Resource Scan show what types of resources are available, and what CARE member or Country Office to contact for them. These resources were kindly shared by a variety of CARE offices in response to the call for gender equality training material below. The spreadsheet outlining available resources is a result of some of the CIGN's analysis of those resources.

CIGN GE Capacity Building Resource Scan

The CARE Gender Toolkit

The CARE Gender Toolkitis a CARE website that contains tools and resources for conducting gender analysis. It is available for use by staff and partners around the world.

CARE staff are increasingly focusing on gender issues as key factors in underlying causes of poverty. Staff are using tools to analyze gender issues through situational analysis, M&E, impact measurement and organizational review of program interventions. The Gender Toolkit is a library resource for teams to use as they prioritize questions to ask, facilitate discussion with program participants about gender issues based on their experiences, conduct situation analyses, or plan and design programs, baselines, monitoring tools and evaluations.

The site is fully-public, and designed specifically to support program quality and other staff across CARE. The materials contained in the site come from across the globe from CARE's past experiences and lessons on gender analysis. Key pages include:

No password is needed to access the site, but we do recommend signing in so that you can ask questions and post comments. At this time, the website and tools are only available in English, due to budget constraints that hinder translation. We welcome submissions of tools in other languages from Country offices or teams.

For more information or support on the Gender Toolkit, please contact: Leigh Stefanik (

Please see the one-page flyer.

CI Gender Network (CIGN)

In 2006 gender specialists from most CARE International (CI) members agreed to form the CARE International Gender Network (CIGN) to coordinate and strengthen the quality of CI members’ work on gender equality and women´s empowerment as both a human right and a tool for development effectiveness. The CIGN held its first meeting in February 2007 and identified as a priority the need to review and assess the current status of country office and CI members’ gender policies and related initiatives. The CIGN focal points have since provided valuable contributions to support the implementation of gender equality, resulting in multiple promising steps and achievements across the CARE confederation.

Want to know what the CI Gender Network is up to?

a. Explanatory Note on CARE's Gender Focus

This paper clarifies key concepts and strategies to ensure that CARE has common and coherent understanding, practice and communication of gender equality across CARE. It provides the words and positions that CARE staff should use when representing our work. Available also in Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, and Nepali.

What is CI Gender Policy?

This Gender Policy defines CARE’s explicit commitments to support gender equality and the principles expressed in international agreements. The policy statement strives to make our collective programming efforts more effective, builds on commitments made in the existing Policy Statements and reflects subsequent developments in gender equality policies of development organizations working to end poverty and social injustice. It thereby, sets the stage for increased accountability. Read more

Phenomenal Speaker Series

The Phenomenal Speaker Series invites external gender experts and feminist academics to engage and challenge our thinking. They take place by webex every two months and are recorded. Catch up here:

February 2018 Aruna Rao Difficult Choices: Addressing individual women’s disadvantages or systemic inequalities? Can we do both?

May 2018 Valerie Hudson The First Political Order: Sex, Governance and National Security

PQAT Summary

The 2011 summary report of the Program Quality Assessment Tool Gender Analysis can be found here.

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home.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/09 00:01 by