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Portal on Gender Equality/MDG3

The website is part of a major global media and communication project of

IPS running through 2009 - 2011 called “Communicating for Change:

Getting Voice, Visibility and Impact for Gender Equality”.

The project is financed by the Dutch MDG3 Fund set up by the Dutch

Minister for Development Cooperation, Bert Koenders, to finance

activities that advance Millennium Development Goal 3: Gender Equality

and the Empowerment of Women.

IPS is committed to involving fellow MDG3 Fund recipients and other

women's NGOs in many of its project activities primarily in Africa,

Asia-Pacific and Latin America. This website, which is part of our MDG3

communication commitment, documents the publications, meetings and

outputs resulting from the whole initiative, and intends to provide a

knowledge centre about the activities of other women's organisations

working for gender equality.

To read the independent IPS news reporting generated so far visit Women

in the News: genderwire/

IPS will also work on customised media and communication plans with

other NGOs working for women's empowerment to strengthen the visibility

of their own work, and co-host national or regional media and civil

society seminars with these partners.

portal_on_gender_equality_and_mdg3.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/12 16:39 (external edit)